Monday, February 6, 2012

Team Ride

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Sunday I pedaled out with the Bicycle Team I joined in January.  It was the first time I rolled out with the other members.  There were about 12 of us riding two by two for most of the ride up to Highland Park.  All of the riders met at the Damen Brown Line stop around 9:15am.  After we decided that we had everyone that was coming we hit the road cruising north up Damen towards Evanston where we met up to Sherridan Rd and hit that up to Green Bay Rd where a group of us including me got on it for a sprint into Highland Park.  The route ended at Perfect Blend Coffee where another crew of cyclists were already hanging out.  It must be a popular route because there were plenty of cyclists riding through town.  We didn't stay long before we were back on the pedal monsters heading back to Chicago.  I was on my "Go Fast" bike which is what I call my Specialized Allez Pro from the late 90's.  Mine was certainly the oldest bike there and I knew it would be so I dolled it up the night before with some fresh grip tape, tires and a new saddle I'd been meaning to swap for some time now.  There was a brand spanking new Giant in the mix and the rear wheel got up close and personal to a pothole on the way back.  The pothole won.  Not only did the rider get a flat but she broke a spoke too.  By the end of the ride the rear wheel had a nice little wobble.  The plan was to head right back to the shop she purchased it at to warranty it out.  I hope it all goes smoothly for her.  What a bummer.  On a positive note the weather was great, around 45°, and the crew was topps.  The ride was pretty social.  There was talk about racing but it wasn't too technical.  It was more on the theme of what races and in what towns everyone was interested in.  Shop talk was minimal.  Don't get me wrong I like talking "bikes" but if that is all we have in common it could get old quick and that was really not the case.  The route wrapped up around 1:15pm with about 40 miles behind us and I felt great by the end.  Oh and I think there was a football game on later that night.     

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