Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Medio-Core Guide to Chicago

The "Year of Big Ideas" was a common topic this past Thanksgiving. I again went out to the Canyonlands National Park in Utah with my outdoor enthusiast Denverites. These couple of days out in the desert are really a time for me to hit the reset button. Since the West is where I started thinking like an adult its nice to go back and take stock of the cascade of decisions that bring my life to date. As with looking back one should not forget to look forward.

In this spirit of looking forward, a few ideas that were mentioned are finally taking a long bicycle tour. I purchased the proper bicycle for such a trip at the end of last summer. I have Lake Michigan coursing through my veins and would like to pedal along its perimeter completely. Although If I am going to ride RAGBRAI this year too I might have to shorten that trip. Yes. RAGBRAI the week-long bike ride across pie filled Iowa.

Ride an organized criterium. I've been on a training ride so a few more of those and then the real thing. I'd really like to see if I really like it.

I think I book-ended my summer with climbing and that was all the climbing I did. I feel I was climbing really well while having a blast too, and to not do something you have fun with is tragic. Expand beyond Wisconsin and So. Ill. to the Red River Gorge in Ky. There is also no good reason to not part of the Chicago Mountaineering Club either. I'm out with them at least once a year its time to reintroduce myself and be a regular.

Mountain Biking
The Midwest Mountain Bike Fest as always shall be attended. I believe it will be in Peoria, Ill this year. Farmdale Reservoir has some of the best trails I've ever ridden and really need to go back there. My single track crew has dispersed this past year and I no longer live near my old trail network. I need to find what the northside trails have to offer.

I used to canoe at least once a year when I was in college. I would like to get back to that even if it is just a quick trip up the Kankakee River and back down.

On this parting note a goal of mine I have had for years is to create the Medio-Core guide to Chicagoland. A simple guide to stepping out of your second story walk-up and into nature. Just the little things that I enjoy most about the forest preserves in Cook and the Collar Counties. Hopefully I update this site a tad more frequently.