I am so sick of February that I will now look to the wonderful things to come. That being said March is just days away and is arguably the best month to be a Chicagoan. We celebrate St. Patrick's day all month. Everyone is Irish on St. Paddy's day so we're all Irish all month. The southside does it best. We have the largest community parade for the celebration in the country, the old country might have us beat though. Just a mention of "Parade Day" to a Southsider and the Irish Eyes begin to smile for the first time since the first snowflake fell in November. Where I went to high school the prize for meeting your class pledge amount for the walk-a-thon was no school the day after the southside parade. This is a much needed recuperation day for teachers and not to mention the student population. The route follows Western Ave from 103rd st to 111th and into the pub of your choosing. There are somewhere around 20 neighborhood Irish pubs along this street my favorite is Keegan's, and finally ends at a house party of some sort. For my Colorado friends, think Ullr Fest, but all day. It is always the Sunday before St. Patrick's day so this year will be the 9th of March. All joking aside it is a major cultural event not to be missed.
Chicago's open container law being over looked.
Half of these people will pee in someones yard on the way home.